
From July 2019 to April 2023, there was the medical project Afya. Endallah health post was renovated and expanded with a maternity and a pharmacy. Before Afya, Misingi already supported the dispensary.

March, April and May 2022, Misingi facilitated the research phase of Delft Imaging’s BabyChecker project in Karatu District.

Since 2015, Misingi has been facilitating foreign internships for nursing and midwifery students at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences.


Between November 2021 and June 2022, with the financial support of the Zuiderhuis & Endallah Cultural Tours, Misingi coordinated the water project for Lake Natron Secondary school.

Februari 2019 Misingi completed the 3-year project Maji. Through 18 distribution points the 7000 inhabitants of Endallah and Shangit now get permanent and accessible water.

Previous projects we have completed: Masabeda Solar Pump and manual pumps for Endallah & Khusumay.


Between 2013 and 2018 Misingi aided young, promising Maasai students by helping them getting a scholarship or loan.

In 2022, Endallah Cultural Tours handed over 640 textbooks and 24 school desks to Endallah Primary School.
Scheppers Mechelen also donated 22 laptops and 1 beamer to Endallah Secondary School.

Other realised projects include the build of the Endallah Secondary School, the Study fund of Endallah, kindergarten of Masabeda & Engare Sero, the renovation and realisation of buildings in Manusay & Endallah primary, and smaller sponsoring events.


From 2014 to 2017, Misingi supported the women’s cooperative of Khusumay. This cooperative of 66 women knocks stones into pebbles. These pebbles are sold to local building companies and provide income to the members of the cooperative, which allows them to live independently.

Sponsor the activities of Misingi

    •    (Choose ‘a specific project’: Misingi)
    • Direct bank transfer to BE48 5230 8027 2427
      Leraars zonder Grenzen
      Mention “Gift aan LzG voor Misingi”
      Without this notification, your gift will not reach Misingi
    • Direct bank transfer to BE90 9731 2362 6332
      Misingi vzw

Do you or your company/school/association want to contribute to Misingi’s projects? Please contact us.
We are happy to give workshops, presentations …